A big shock has raised today to all Android users regarding security flaw. The shock is that Android OS s are vulnerable to hackers who can steal personal information stored in Calenders, Contact and personal photos stored in Picasa.
University of Ulm, reported in their research that 99.7% of Android users can be targeted from potential attackers when they use token authntication (authTokens), which most of users use (including myself) to removes the need to enter user's crendential everytime they access services provided by Android OS.
The research showed that only the latest Gingerbird 2.3.3 and Honeycomb 3.0
If a phone were connected to an un-secured Wi-Fi network, a hacker can steal the token and gain full access to Calender, Contact and perdsonal photos on Picasa. Full access means they can add, modify and delete user's files.
Google has quickly reacted and started rolling out a fix to address this security flaw, but don't worry, the fix will be server-side and no action will be required from users to update their devices. The fix is just for Calender and Contacts, Picasa problem will be addresses the next few days.
Here's the Google's statement :
"Today we’re starting to roll out a fix which addresses a potential security flaw that could, under certain circumstances, allow a third party access to data available in calendar and contacts. This fix requires no action from users and will roll out globally over the next few days."
Last but not least, we, as Android users never wanted a flaw like this to happen, however, the speedy respond from Google is highly appreciated.
Just to remind you that BitDefender has announced a beta version of it's Mobile Security Antivirus, check out this post to learn more.
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